Revenge of the Ice Axe

This evening I had the pleasure of attending the ward Food Bank service project, where I was transformed to frustrated office worker to Artic Thor, King of the Carrots. Or so perhaps I believed. Actually, our task was scooping baby carrots into ziplock bags. This task seemed simple enough, until we all realized that these 5' x 5' x 5' boxes (or boxen as I like to call them) of carrots were frozen solid.
When I arrived all seemed to be working quite enjoyably chiping away at their boxes and putting the carrots into their bags. There were two ice axes that some of the people were using to chop at the carrots. Of course when axes or any violent thing is available, I must take up arms and defet my opponent. Soon I was hacking at the carrots with full furvor (One girl was glad she got out just in time).
I don't know if it was the power that shone forth on me by this powerful new ally, or if it was my warped MBA mind, but suddenly I found myself managing the whole team. We need one axe scraper (hmmm who should that be?), two scoopers, two baggers and one counter. Soon our productivity skyrocked, the bottlenecks were widened and we were on the path to winning the whole competition. Ok, I suppose when it becomes a competition in my mind it all becomes more of a game.
I don't know what it is about me that enjoys a the competitive elements of games. I suppose it is a natural male tendency, however I seriously love to compete. Now thinking, I should harness this love into work and other worthwhile ambitions. I do believe you can have compeition but not losers necessarily. Winning and lossing is as the point of a curve of time. Once the competition is over all the pieces return back to the game bag. Only is that breif moment in time when the parties are no longer equal.
Anyhow, as soon as I was satified to our finishing first, I then became the Axe man. And I was offering my axeing expertise to the other 3 teams. After team 2 saw my skills he began to cheer me on and enthusiastically calling me The Axe Man
The best part was once it was all over it seemed that some of the people I didn't know yet were interested in getting to know Thor, The Ice Axe Man!
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