The Marathon

Although I did not have to run a marathon today, I think that would have been more fun. Ok I wasn't that bad, but I'm probably boarderline ADD and truly 3 hour church is all I can handle, ONLY because we get up and move around every hour.
Today I attended the Direct Sales Association's Selling 101 class. I suppose it could have been more fun, especially if--I was with someone I already knew--if I truly wanted be a better networker, and if I would have talked to the hot single Mary Kay girl. :) Anyhow, when we finally got over at 7 pm a full 11 hours of sitting! I said NO I'm not going to the networking dinner, I'm getting dinner on my own.
Dinner was postponed. For as I started to cross the street 8, 7, 6, 5, 4...I realized I had to hussle or I would be come another taxi's hood ordament. I started to run, and I kept running--I ran past my new beloved deli Cosi, I ran past boarders.
Perhaps I was inspired by Forrest Gump, ("Run Forrest! Run!") or the ancient greek Gods were speaking to me, and preparing me for Greece, or maybe I was letting out 11 hours of nuclear energy release, but I soon found myself 15 blocks away at the Lincoln Memorial. I sat down on the steps (pictured above) and though about Jenny and the way things used to be.
I must of then felt Lincoln's presence there, as I recalled infront of that divine statue what an excellent country this is, any how so many folk unknowingly try to tear it apart. But to Lincoln in Andrew Jackson's famous words, "The Union, it must be presevered." And so it must.
We truly live in perilous times. The UN received the U.S. president's words with indifference, while two facious dictators, President Victor Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, without reason or law, and calling the Kettle's black, spew lies and hate.
I agree with your post. And wow, so interesting that you just started running and then ended up at the Lincoln memorial, channeling Forrest Gump.
Good quote by Lincoln. Your spelling is a little creative, which makes things kinda funny tho. You meant "preserved," but wrote "presevered," like something being severed, which is what the South was trying to do by taking themselves out of the Union. Not trying to debate the semantics, just laughing at the irony. ;-D
Hmm, then again, it almost looks like persevered... but then it's not as funny, and still, wrong quote.
My skin doth crawl when these people in power want to claim something fantastical and wrong, like "the holocaust never happened," and even, "the holocaust was history manufactured by the Jews." And we want to *try* to have meaningful debates and dialogues with these people?!? Where is the sense in that? They obviously won't tell us the truth or what their motives are! Then I guess we just have to go back to "by their fruits ye shall know them." Hmm, fruit not looking so good. Let's call a spade a spade.
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