My Top Ten Useful Sights

10. Pandora's Box -- Easily listen to free music all day while discovering artist like the ones you like.
9. Slick Deals -- If you've talked to me, you know I love a good slick deal. Here you go. It's my homepage so I never miss a good deal.
8. Lifehacker -- Yes, I have hacking skills, but this site is about hacking to make your life cooler and easier. It's a great sight to keep you in the know about good tech stuff.
7. Engadget -- Speaking of keeping in the know about tech stuff, your one stop source tech news. True nerds need only apply.
6. iLike -- I like this site because it links you by your music tastes to other good humanoids (we're the robotic form of the humans, and only we know who we are :) ) And you can make frineds to boot! (I've always wanted to use that in a real sentance. Ok its just really good social music site.
5. Kuler -- This goes out to all my designer peeps out there. I love this site because you can steal what other people think are good colors together. I use it to get dressed every day.
4. Trulia -- I've been scouring the internet for a nice place to hang my hat and this site compiles homes from the internet.
3. Kayak -- It's the king of flight info--much better than
2. Farecaster--Should you buy your ticket or wait? Farecaster tells you what to do.
1. Delicious -- YOU MUST USE THIS SITE!!! This site is how I've found most of the others above. It helps you find all the really helpful sites out there. So what do you want info for? Movies, searching.... ok, wow I just found a site that lets you watch movies that have fallen out of copyright. Gather round everyone lets watch it's a wonderful life. This is also a great site for wasting productive time doing productivly wasteful things.
Hey, those are some good lookin' sites there. Some of them I have never heard of, but I'll have to try them out. The Lifehacker one sounds very interesting. I was also telling my school buddies at Drexel about, even though I haven't really used it. I'm planning on getting more RSS and delicious savvy, even if I have to wait until Christmas break to do it.
Anyway, great website, I'm really enjoying your blog! You'll have to check mine out too, if you haven't yet. I'm going to update it soon. It's been awhile. I hacked my ipod and put a new battery in, so now my ipod is working and happy again! Cool huh!!!
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